Monday, July 16, 2007


I found Thing #13 to be among the more confusing exercises thus far. Perhaps it is because the link to the 12 minute video did not work. I received the following error: "ERROR: is temporarily unavailable or does not exist. Please check the address and try again." I explored the site and was finally able to make some sense of it. I set up an account for myself and can see the advantage of being able to in essence utilize this website to get to my bookmarks from any computer. I clicked on bookmarks that others had bookmarked. I was able to see the tags others used to categorize the reference, but was unable to see the comments they had added. I will probably not use this web site much in the future, as I find it easier to just type in the web site I wish to go to instead of first going to and then going to my bookmarked websites. It seems this adds another step, but maybe I am missing something!!

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